Here are a few questions that are very important for a milking crew to understand:
- What is mastitis?
- What are bacteria?
- What is a Somatic Cell Count? What is the importance?
- What is the difference between Strep., Staph. and coliforms?

Not only is this beneficial to employees, but it is beneficial to you. Did you know that it takes only 20 minutes for a bacterium such as Staph. aureus to replicate? Did you know that Staph. live inside the udder, Strep. live in the bedding, and coliforms live in the manure? This very simple breakdown enforces the concept that both milk and manure are potential sources of mastitis. It makes it perfectly clear why one must change gloves, back flush units, pre and post-dip, and milk clean teats.
This quick educational course is of minimal cost to you, and we hope it will reap great rewards. If we can help, let us know! For more information, go to our website, contact us at [email protected], or call us at 480-894-0156 ext. 14.